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Photographs 1842-61

Albums compiled by Prince Albert, reflecting his beliefs surrounding photography


'John Beaumont, aged 87'


Albumen print | 10.7 x 8.4 cm (whole object) | RCIN 2800819

Photograph of a full length portrait of John Beaumont seated, facing the camera front on. He looks towards the right, away from the camera. He wears a tweed suit, light colour shirt, dark colour tie and leather shoes. He carries a tweed hat in his right hand and a walking stick in his left.

The caption states Beaumont was Mr Farquharson's forester and was aged 87 at the time this portrait was taken.

  • Creator(s)

    Unknown Person (photographer)


    John Beaumont
  • 10.7 x 8.4 cm (whole object)

  • From an album of photographs collected and arranged by Prince Albert

  • Object type(s)
      • visual works
        • photographs