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Landscape, Nature and Architecture

Technological improvements enabled Prince Albert to collect photographs of places that were significant to him

AIMÉ CIVIALE (1821-93)

Entrée du cirque de Zermatt


Poitevin process | 26.4 x 36.1 cm (image) | RCIN 2370856

Photograph of the Matter Vispa River flowing down a rugged ravine. The winding road leading to Zermatt, visible along both sides of the ravine, is linked by a single-arched bridge that traverses the water. A single building, only just visible in the distance, marks the beginning of the town.

  • Creator(s)

    Aimé Civiale (1821-93) (artist)

  • 26.4 x 36.1 cm (image)

  • Acquired by Queen Victoria and Prince Albert

  • Subject(s)
    • Places
      • Europe
        • Switzerland
          • Zermatt [Switzerland]
      • Physiography
        • Rivers
        • Mountains
          • The Alps (mountains)