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Photographs 1842-61

Albums compiled by Prince Albert, reflecting his beliefs surrounding photography

ROGER FENTON (1819-69)

'The concluding Tableau'

May 1854

Albumen print | 15.2 x 16.3 cm (image) | RCIN 2906070

Photograph featuring seven of Queen Victoria's children dressed as the seasons. In the foreground, from left to right, are Princess Alice as 'Spring', Victoria, Princess Royal and Prince Arthur as 'Summer', Prince Alfred as Autumn, Princess Louise and Albert Edward, Prince of Wales as 'Winter'. In the middle ground, centre, Princess Helena stands on a platform, above her siblings. She holds a cross and is dressed as 'A Spirit Empress'.
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    Roger Fenton (1819-69) (photographer)

  • 15.2 x 16.3 cm (image)

  • From an album of photographs collected and arranged by Prince Albert