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Photographs 1842-61

Albums compiled by Prince Albert, reflecting his beliefs surrounding photography

ROGER FENTON (1819-69)

A Romance. No.4: 'The Honeymoon'


Albumen print | 18 x 19.9 cm (image) | RCIN 2906166

Photograph showing a young couple sitting together on a rustic seat, surrounded by shrubs and foliage. His left arm is around her shoulders; they hold hands and look at each other. Two items by Fenton, entitled Photographic Romance, were shown at the exhibition of the Photographic Society in 1855. This series may be the work referred to. It may also be the only example of Fenton's achievements in this genre, although posed narrative sequences were popular with other photographers.
  • Creator(s)

    Roger Fenton (1819-69) (photographer)

  • 18 x 19.9 cm (image)

  • Acquired by Prince Albert

  • Object type(s)
      • visual works
        • photographs