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Memorial works

Following Albert’s premature death, Victoria commissioned the creation of photographs and decorative objects that memorialised her beloved husband


    Carte de Visite featuring Albert, Prince Consort (1819-61)

    c. 1861

    Albumen print adhered to card | 8.8 x 5.4 cm (image) | RCIN 2514304

    Carte de Visite of an artistic representation of Britannia who is depicted resting her left arm on top of an oval frame containing an image of Prince Albert in miniature. Underneath the oval is a lion. The name ALBERT is on a plinth at the base of the image, below which is the inscription 'Born Augt 26 1819 Died Decr 14 1861'
    • Creator(s)

      Unknown Person (photographer)


      Prince Albert, Prince Consort (1819-61)
    • 8.8 x 5.4 cm (image)

      9.9 x 6.1 cm (mount)

    • Acquired by HM Queen Elizabeth II, May 2018

    • Subject(s)
      • Arts, Recreation, Entertainment & Sport
        • Photography
          • Photographs
            • Carte-de-visite photographs
      Object type(s)
        • visual works
          • photographs
            • cartes-de-visite