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Exhibitions and records of works of art

Prince Albert recognised the importance of photography to record and document notable exhibitions and works of art


The Expulsion from Paradise

c. 1857

Albumen print? | RCIN 2864384

A photograph of a drawing in the Royal Collection (RCIN 912729) catalogued by Ruland (1876) as 'perhaps by Perino del Vaga' but now generally attributed to Gianfrancesco Penni (c.1516-18). The drawing is a study for the fresco of the 'Expulsion from Paradise' painted by the workshop of Raphael (c.1517-19) in the vault of the second bay of the Raphael Loggia in the Vatican. The drawing is squared and probably served as the modello, the final compositional drawing ready for enlargement to a full-scale cartoon.

Originally executed in pen and ink with bistre wash and heightened with white, the drawing was damaged in the nineteenth century after cleaning, revealing an underdrawing in black chalk. Although Ruland states in his catalogue (1876) that this underdrawing was by 'Raphael's own hand', it is currently attributed to Penni. For further information, see Bibliographic References. This photograph is of the original drawing before cleaning; for a photograph of the drawing after cleaning, see RCIN 853380. For the original drawing, see RCIN 912729.

A copy of this photograph (RCIN 853381) can be found in the Prince Consort's Raphael Collection, portfolio 34 (970594)

  • Creator(s)

    After a work by the workshop of Raphael (1483-1520) (artist)

    Attributed to Charles Thurston Thompson (1816-68) (photographer)

  • Acquired by Queen Victorian and Prince Albert

  • Subject(s)
    • Religion & Theology
      • Religions and faiths
        • Christianity
          • Bible & Holy Scripture
            • Old Testament
    Object type(s)
      • visual works
        • photographs
  • Bibliographic reference(s)

    Clayton 1999 : Clayton, M. Raphael and his Circle. Drawings from Windsor Castle, London p.124-8, no.32

    Gere/Turner 1983 : J.A. Gere and Nicholas Turner, 1983. Drawings by Raphael from the Royal Library, the Ashmolean, the British Museum, Chatsworth and other English collections, London p.238-9, no.191

    Knab/Mitsch/Oberhuber 1983 : Raffaello. I disegni 1983 : I disegni. (Catalogo dei Disegni a cura di Oberhuber, Ferino Pagden, Huber), Florence 1983 p.132

    P&W : Popham, A.E. & Wilde, J., 1949. The Italian Drawings of the XV and XVI Centuries in the Collection of His Majesty The King at Windsor Castle, London p.315, no.806