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Exhibitions and records of works of art

Prince Albert recognised the importance of photography to record and document notable exhibitions and works of art


A dance of fauns and bacchantes

c. 1857

Albumen print? | RCIN 2864413

A photograph of a drawing attributed either to Raphael or Giulio Romano now in the Albertina, Vienna (inv. no.217).

This drawing has been compared with two prints of similar subjects by Agostino Veneziano and Marcantonio Raimondi (see RCINs 854576 and 854579 for them). According to Massari (see Bibliographic References), the print by Agostino that Bartsch catalogued as the original is actually a copy after Marcantonio's print. Only the left half of Marcantonio's print is known, which could suggest that Agostino extended the composition to include the other three figures on the right.

Massari (see Bibliographic References) recognised various drawings as the possible source of the prints by Agostino and Marcantonio: as well as the drawing reproduced in this photograph, a drawing after Raphael now in the Royal Library, Windsor (RCIN 990331, see also RCIN 854583) and another drawing of a bacchante and a faun in the Louvre, Paris (inv. no. 5001), previously attributed to Battista Franco and now believed to be by Giulio Romano on the basis of another drawing's attribution in the Louvre (inv. no. 5002).

According to S. Ferino (see Bibliographic References) the various drawings could be studies intended for grotesque decorations, either the frescoes of Cardinal Bibiena's Loggetta (c.1516) or the Logge (c.1516 -1518/19) in the Vatican. For the drawing now in the Louvre (inv. no. 5001) it is specified that this is inspired by the characters of a relief of the 1st century (now in Mantua, Palazzo Ducale, inv. no. 6705).

A copy of this photograph (RCIN 854581) can be found in the Prince Consort's Raphael Collection, portfolio 49 (970609)
  • Creator(s)

    After? Raphael (Urbino 1483-Rome 1520) (draughtsman)

    After? Giulio Romano (Rome c. 1499-Mantua 1546) (draughtsman)

    After a work associated with Agostino dei Musi (c. 1490-after 1536) (engraver)

    After a work associated with Marcantonio Raimondi (c. 1480-1534) (engraver)

    Attributed to Charles Thurston Thompson (1816-68) (photographer)

  • Acquired by Queen Victoria and Prince Albert

  • Subject(s)
    • Natural Sciences & Mathematics
      • Biological sciences
        • Zoology
          • Animals
            • Mythical creatures
              • Fauns (mythical creatures)
    • Arts, Recreation, Entertainment & Sport
      • Theatre
        • Dance
      • Music
        • Musical instruments
          • Woodwind instruments
            • Flutes
          • Brass instruments
            • Trumpets
    Object type(s)
      • visual works
        • photographs
  • Bibliographic reference(s)

    Raphael Invenit 1985 : G. Bernini Pezzini et al., Raphael Invenit. Stampe di Raffaello nelle Collezioni dell'Istituto Nazionale per la Grafica, Rome, 1985 p. 243, no. III, 1-2 (entries written by Stefania Massari)

    Cordellier/Py 1992 : Raphael : son atelier, ses copistes, 1992 / par Dominique Cordellier et Bernadette Py, Paris (Inventaire general des dessins Italiens ; V / sous la direction de Francoise Viatte) p. 332, no. 484