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Prince Albert's Financial Papers

Records relating to Prince Albert’s official and personal expenditure

Prince Albert’s (1819-61) financial papers recording his official and personal expenditure.

Included are Prince Albert’s ledgers, journals and bank pass books. These record financial transactions relating to Prince Albert’s various personal and official accounts, including the military, constable, treasurer and stud accounts. The collection also contains a patronage register recording the institutions and charities to which Prince Albert and Queen Victoria (1819-1901) donated money, as well as details regarding various appointments, including to the Royal Household.

There are also two registers of nominations for regiments in the military, as well as a selection of Privy Purse papers. The latter include statements of expenditure, a document regarding the repayment of a loan by Prince Albert and his brother Ernest, Prince of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha (1818-93) and notes relating to the Duchess of Kent’s (1786-1861) financial affairs.

Account Books

Account books recording the transactions on Prince Albert’s personal and official accounts

Regimental and Patronage Registers

Registers recording military nominations, charitable donations and establishment appointments

Financial Papers and Abstracts

A selection of Privy Purse papers and abstracts

Bank Pass Books

Bank pass books recording transactions on Prince Albert’s personal and official accounts