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Glass plate negatives

Albert and Victoria’s collection of glass plate negatives show photographers’ working methods


'Queen Victoria (1819-1901)'


RCIN 2082379

Glass plate negative showing a framed portrait by or after Franz Xaver Winterhalter (1805-73) of Queen Victoria. A sheet with a circular aperture that isolates the queen's head has been placed in front of the work. The sheet is kept in place by a male figure whose hand is partly visible in the lower right corner. 

The original portrait by Winterhalter was painted in 1852 and given as a gift to Baron Stockmar (1787-1863), a later copy by George Koberwein (1820-76) exists in the Collection (RCIN 406884). 

The negative has been masked out, indicating the photographer's intention to crop the work to the smaller square.

The glass plate negative has been photographed showing the coated side and therefore the image appears laterally reversed. Prints from this negative do not seem to exist in the Collection.
  • Creator(s)

    Unknown Person (photographer)

    After George Koberwein (1820-76) (artist)

    After Franz Xaver Winterhalter (1805-73) (artist)

  • Acquired by Queen Victoria and Prince Albert