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Glass plate negatives

Albert and Victoria’s collection of glass plate negatives show photographers’ working methods


Prince Albert's Personal medal


RCIN 2082378

Glass plate negative showing the obverse of a coin with the head of Prince Albert in profile (RCIN 443372). The coin was created by William Wyon in 1845 (RCIN 443372). The inscription along the rim reads: 'ALBERTUS PRINCEPS VICTORIAE REGINAE CONJUX'.

The negative has been masked out, indicating the photographer's intention to crop the work to the smaller square.

The glass plate negative has been photographed showing the coated side and therefore the image appears laterally reversed. Prints from this negative do not seem to exist in the Collection.

  • Creator(s)

    After William Wyon (1795-1851) (medallist)

    Unknown Person (photographer)

  • Acquired by Queen Victoria and Prince Albert

  • Subject(s)
    • Arts, Recreation, Entertainment & Sport
      • Plastic arts
        • Numismatics
          • Coins