Albert and Victoria’s collection of glass plate negatives show photographers’ working methods
'Prince Arthur'
c. 1851RCIN 2083157
Glass plate negative of painting of the infant Prince Arthur, later Duke of Connaught (1850-1942) by Franz Xaver Winterhalter (RCIN 404469). The prince is shown wearing a bonnet and robe. He is seated on the ground, facing the viewer, and plays with a ball.
The glass plate negative has been photographed showing the coated side and therefore the image appears laterally reversed. Prints from this negative exist in the Collection (e.g. RCINs 2905943 and 2506527).
After Franz Xaver Winterhalter (1805-73) (artist)
Dr Ernst Becker (1826-88) (photographer)
- Acquired by Queen Victoria and Prince Victoria