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Prince Consort's statue unveiling

Memorialising Albert

Prince Albert's lasting influence can be seen in many mediums


'The beloved monument'; Prince Albert (1819-61) effigy, Royal Mausoleum


Albumen print | 5.6 x 7.9 cm (image) | RCIN 2513491

This close-up view shows the effigy of Prince Albert depicted in the Robes of the Garter. The sculpture is by Baron Carlo Marochetti, who was regularly commissioned by the royal couple during Albert's lifetime. While working on the design and production of the effigy, Marochetti sought the advice of Victoria, Princess Royal.

On 10 February 1862, Queen Victoria wrote in her journal,

Vicky had seen Baron Marochetti who had at once adopted her beautiful design, for her beloved Father's statue

Queen Victoria’s Journal, RA VIC/MAIN/QVJ (W) 10 February 1862 (Princess Beatrice’s copies)

This photograph is from a small photograph album featuring albumen prints of the interiors of Windsor Castle and Frogmore House to show rooms that had been occupied by Prince Albert, and photographs of the construction of the Royal Mausoleum and Prince Albert's effigy. A selection of pages from this album, such as this example, feature annotations underneath the photographs in Queen Victoria's hand. 

  • annotation: The beloved monument [beneath work]