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Miscellaneous published and unpublished material relating to the Great Exhibition of 1851

Reports, circulars and memoranda on the organisation of the Great Exhibition


7 Feb 1850. Commissioners' circular regarding subscriptions

7 Feb 1850

Loose printed papers | 1 document (8 pages) (whole object) | RC/H/1/A/1/5

A circular by the Commissioners requesting subscriptions for the Great Exhibition of the Works of Industry of all Nations. Includes a list of subscriptions received and enclosing a form of a cheque. Small pencil doodle on back page.
  • Creator(s)

    John Scott Russell (1808-82) (writer)

    Sir Stafford Northcote (1818-87) (writer)

  • 1 document (8 pages) (whole object)

  • Place of Production
    New Palace, Westminster
  • Language(s)