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1851 Exhibition Correspondence

Commissioner’s correspondence relating to the Great Exhibition of 1851


10 Apr 1851. Sallandrouze de Lamornaix to the Commissioners

10 Apr 1851

Loose manuscript papers | 2 documents (10 pages) (whole object) | RC/A/1851/172

(172) Sallandrouze de Lamornaix to the Commissioners transmitting a copy of a despatch from the French Minister of Commerce. (172i) Copy of a despatch from the French Minister of Commernce, containing the names of jurors nominated by the French Government.
  • Creator(s)

    Sallandrouze de Lamornaix (writer)

  • 2 documents (10 pages) (whole object)

  • Place of Production
    12a George Street, Hanover Square, London
  • Object type(s)
      • printed & manuscript material
        • documents
          • correspondence