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1851 Exhibition Correspondence

Commissioner’s correspondence relating to the Great Exhibition of 1851


10 Apr 1851. E. Belfour to Edgar Bowring

10 Apr 1851

Loose manuscript papers | 2 documents (4 pages) (whole object) | RC/A/1851/173

(173) E. Belfour, Secretary, Royal College of Surgeons of England, to Edgar Bowring, concerning the admission of foreigners to the College's Museum. (173i) Letter from E. Belfour to Edgar Bowring, transmitting copies of admission cards for the Musem of the College (not present).
  • Creator(s)

    E Belfour (writer)

    Edgar Alfred Bowring (1826-1911) (addressee)

  • 2 documents (4 pages) (whole object)

  • Place of Production
    Royal College of Surgeons of England
  • Object type(s)
      • printed & manuscript material
        • documents
          • correspondence