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Prince Albert's Personal Papers

Papers relating to Prince Albert’s personal life and enthusiasms


Translations of letters from Albert, Prince Consort to Marie, Duchess of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha

14 May 1845 - 13 Sep 1860

Bound volume | 1 volume (85 pages) (whole object) | RA VIC/MAIN/Y/191

The volume contains translations of Prince Albert's letters, originally in German. Notable entries include:

M42/ 27
Windsor Castle
26 Dec 1847
'When we are in the Isle of Wight, when we are not surrounded by a court and its formalities, our life is so quiet and simple, that it would not fatigue you.'

Windsor Castle
4 February 1852
'At this moment we have the Castle full of visitors to our last [?] theatrical representation, Shakespeares Macbeth, which comes off tonight, it is a real enjoyment to be able to hear the beautiful language quietly and near.'

Buckingham Palace
2 July 1852
'The day before we had an interesting ceremony, the baptism of the Princess Gouramma, the 11 year old daughter of the Raja of Coorg, an amiable intelligent Indian girl. Victoria was godmother, I will look after her education. Her father returns to India.'

Buckingham Palace
23 February 1855
'Things have gone mad here, the political world is quite crazy, and the church [?] is the only institution, which does not lose its tranquil bearing: nevertheless the people will soon come to their sense again. The press, which for its own ends exaggerates the suffering of our troops in the Crimea, has made the nation quite furious; it is bent upon punishing all and sundry, and cannot find the right person- because he does not exist.'

30 July 1855
'In the Great world the star [?] Mars continue to blaze the bloody splendour in the sky. God grant that this unhappy Sebastapol may soon fall, and peace by made as the result.'

20 July 1857
'I have not said a word to you about my change in title, and I now present myself before you as an entire stranger, 'Prince Consort'to wit the change had been necessary as our sons grew up, all sorts of confusion having already arisen, especially as the name of all the three begins like my own with an A, and I was certain to appear to them in the long run like a stranger in the land as they alone were English princes, and I merely a Coburg prince. This truly I have remained in fact and in heart; but now I have a legal status in the English hierarchy. It was also a source of weakness for the crown, that the Queen always appeared before the people with her foreign husband.'

Buckingham Palace
30 January 1858
'It was 18 years yesterday since I left my home, 14 since dear Papa was taken from us.'
  • Creator(s)

    Prince Albert, Prince Consort (1819-61) (writer)

    Marie of Württemberg, Duchess of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha (1799-1860) (addressee)

  • 1 volume (85 pages) (whole object)

  • Object type(s)
      • printed & manuscript material
        • documents
          • correspondence