Prince Albert's Personal Papers
Papers relating to Prince Albert’s personal life and enthusiasms
Translations of extracts of letters from Albert, Prince Consort to Princess Victoria of Prussia. Contains letters written by Princess Victoria of Prussia following father's death.
3 Feb 1858 - 21 Dec 1861Bound volume | 1 volume (104 pages) (whole object) | RA VIC/MAIN/Y/190
The volume contains translations of Prince Albert's letters, originally in German. Notable entries include:
13 April 1859
That you take delight in modelling does not surprise me. [This?] art is even more attractive than painting, because in it the thought is actually incorporated: in it we have to deal with the three dimensions, instead of having to do with surface merely, and are not called upon to resort to the illusions of perspection [?]. As the artist combines material and thought without the intervention of any other medium his Creation would be perfect in life (which the divine master [?] can alone give) could also be breathed into his work, and I quite understand and feel with the sculptor in the fable who implored the gods to let his work descend from its pedestal.
16 February 1859
…‘We are now established in town, and the first place I went to yesterday was the South Kensington Museum, where two additional galleries have been built of 200-300 feet in length, & twice the breadth of the Sheepshanks Gallery, for the reception of the Vernon & Turner [?] Gallery from Marlborough House, which latter becomes Bertie’s property in November. The pictures will be excellently seen, and the whole gallery has been built in 6 weeks for £3000 of brick with fireproof floors! W. Cole is still in Italy. The Society of Arts has projected [?] an Exhibition like that of 1851 for the year in 1861, but now it comes to me and the Commission [?] to carry it out, which is quite another matter. We shall discuss the subject on Saturday at the Commission where it is sure to give me to no [?] small amount of tiresome pros and cons.’…
9 May 1860
‘The Exhibition of the Royal Academy is very good this year. The best picture is undoubtedly that of your marriage. It is indeed altogether excellent, and is acknowledged and admired as such on all hands. Dobson has some very pretty things. Landseer his “Flovel[?]”, a picture, which I have seen in progress for 12 years, and which 12 years ago was wonderfully beautiful, and has been injured by every change it has undergone since, till now it here become a complete failure. What a pity! Movia [?] has painted a very good miniature of Alice, half length, in a white ball dress, en [?]. Dyce [?], Cooke and Hook have very pretty pictures, Herbert a small one only, and Maclise none at all. Many young artists have very good works, such as Elmore, Egg, a younger Stone, (the father is dead) Le Jeune [?]. I send you a catalogue in which I have set a mark against the best’
26 June 1860
‘Accept my best thanks for your dear letter and the photographs of your plastic labours.’…
14 October 1860
‘The time we were together was very sweet and friendly, and the whole stay at Coburg has done my heart much good…’
6 November 1860
‘I am much engaged in the revision of the library here, which has made an important acquisition in Mr Woodward, a man of brains and knowledge, and (oh marvel! For an Englishman) of system!’…
3 September 1861
‘How precious is the little daguerreotype! After 17 years which have glided away since the going hence of my dear father, all at once his shade has come before me, for such a fact it is! The sight of it has quite overpowered me, tell Ernest; and when Ruland returns, which he will do in a week- I will have it reproduced by photography. I fear, it will come out very feebly, as the original is only a slight suggestion, which sets one upon living [?] what one knows. In any case no pains shall be spared upon it.’
Prince Albert, Prince Consort (1819-61) (writer)
Empress Friedrich, German Empress and Queen of Prussia (1840-1901) (addressee)
Empress Friedrich, German Empress and Queen of Prussia (1840-1901) (writer)
Victoria, Queen of the United Kingdom (1819-1901) (addressee)
1 volume (104 pages) (whole object)
Object type(s)
- printed & manuscript material
- documents
- correspondence
- documents
English- printed & manuscript material