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Prince Albert's Personal Papers

Papers relating to Prince Albert’s personal life and enthusiasms


Diary of Albert Edward, Prince of Wales

1 Jan - 5 Jul 1857

Bound volume | 1 volume (195 pages) (whole object) | RA VIC/MAIN/EVIID

A note at the beginning of the diary states the content was dictated by Albert Edward, Prince of Wales, to Mr Birch during the years 1849, 1850 and 1851. Entries cover a range of content. The young Prince discusses his regular visits to the Great Exhibition in 1851. He visits the Exhibition before its opening, and then regularly attends the Exhibition following its opening on 1 May 1851. Notable entries include: 5 April 1851 Buckingham Palace ‘This morning I have been to the Crystal Palace with Col. Glaedon[?] & Mr. Birch- the first thing that I saw was the statue of an Amazon on horseback with a lion springing upon the horse- she has got a spear & is just going to strike it...’ 8 April 1851 ‘Mama + Papa took us to the Crystal Palace again yesterday & we saw a beautiful organ, & a man played “God save the Queen”…’ 2 May 1851 ‘Yesterday I went to the opening of the Exhibition with Mama, Papa & Vicky. I had been already many times then to see the progress of the different things. I went in a fine carriage. The people made an immense crowd, but the policemen & soldiers kept them in good order. As soon as we go out of the carriage we saw the beautiful flags waving[?] on the top of the building…’ 21 July 1851 Osborne ‘I went very often to the Exhibition during the last week or two that we were in London & I went one day to see the Model Lodging House which has been built by Papa, & I went all over the rooms of it & saw all the furniture. Instead of one kitchen there was in every room a stove, that each family might have its cooking materials for itself.’…
  • Creator(s)

    King Edward VII, King of the United Kingdom (1841-1910) (writer)

  • 1 volume (195 pages) (whole object)

  • Object type(s)
      • diaries