Prince Albert's Personal Papers
Papers relating to Prince Albert’s personal life and enthusiasms
Diary of Albert Edward, Prince of Wales
1 Jan - 5 Jul 1857Bound volume | 1 volume (195 pages) (whole object) | RA VIC/MAIN/EVIID
Entries cover a range of content, including visits to lectures by Professor Faraday, attending the Handel Festival at the Crystal Palace and visiting various museums and institutions. He regularly mentions photography. Notable entries include:
2 January 1857
‘Went to Town with Pape, Vicky & Alice, & saw the Photographic Exhibition in Pall Mall’…
29 January 1857
‘I was photographed by Mr. Lake Price in my Scotch dress, & photograph is to be engraved later’
14 February 1857
…’In the afternoon I went to see the Soulages collection at Marlborough House.’
26 May 1857
‘In the morning we were photographed by Caldesi’…
18 June 1857
…’in the afternoon I went to Horne & Thornthwaite & ordered myself a Photo Apparatus as I am going to learn to Photo.’
23 June 1857
…’I photographed for the first time.’
24 June 1857
‘I photographed for the first time in the morning. In the afternoon the Maharajah paid us a visit.’
1 July 1857
‘We went again to the Exhibition but not in such state, we looked at all the different curiosities & the photographs’…
King Edward VII, King of the United Kingdom (1841-1910) (writer)
1 volume (195 pages) (whole object)
Object type(s)
- diaries