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Prince Albert's Personal Papers

Papers relating to Prince Albert’s personal life and enthusiasms

CARL RULAND (1834-1907)

Copy letter from Charles Ruland to unnamed addressee regarding the photographing of Raphael drawings in Venice not yet in the Royal Collection in Windsor.

2 Mar 1863

Loose manuscript paper | 1 document (8 pages) (whole object) | RA VIC/ADDA10/85/306

Ruland states that he has received from the Crown Princess of Prussia the letter recently written to Baron von Heinz (by the addressee of this letter) with the good news that the Raphael drawings in Venice of which there are not yet photographs in the Prince Consort's collection may now be photographed.

The Prince had most of the drawings in the 'Sketchbook' in the Accademia photographed by Messrs Alinari and Bardi, but several sheets seem to have been overlooked. Ruland encloses a list of 24 drawings from Passavant's Life of Raphael which need to be photographed (see VIC/ADDA10/85/306a).

To this he wishes to add the cartoon of Noah going into the Ark, often considered to be by Raphael, in the Palazzo Manfrini. He asks whether there are more drawings in the Academia's collection which were not listed by Passavant. He confirms that he wishes photographs of the drawings on the enclosed list to be supplied on the terms suggested by S. Bressolin, i.e. 1 negative and 1 positive for 20 francs.

Related Material: For related material, see VIC/ADDA10/85/306a.
  • Creator(s)

    Carl Ruland (1834-1907) (writer)

    Not known (addressee)

  • 1 document (8 pages) (whole object)

  • Place of Production
    Windsor Castle
  • Object type(s)
      • printed & manuscript material
        • documents
          • correspondence