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Prince Albert's Personal Papers

Papers relating to Prince Albert’s personal life and enthusiasms


Copy letter from Charles Ruland to Messrs Colnaghi asking for Raphael drawings in a collection which is on sale to be photographed for the Prince Consort.

11 Jan 1861

Loose manuscript paper; mounted | 1 document (2 pages) (whole object) | RA VIC/ADDA10/85/249

Ruland thanks Messrs Colnaghi for the sale catalogue of drawings 'formant le Cabinet de P.G.' which they have sent to the Prince Consort. The Prince would like to have three drawings in it, ascribed to Raphael, photographed for his collection before they are dispersed to the buyers. Ruland asks whether this can be done.
  • Creator(s)

    Ruland, Charles (writer) [11 January 1861]

    Colnaghi, Messrs; art dealers (addressee)

  • 1 document (2 pages) (whole object)