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St Paul and St Barnabas at Lystra


Photogravure | 31.5 x 44.9 cm (sheet of paper) | RCIN 853181

A photogravure of the tapestry of The Sacrifice at Lystra, executed at the Mortlake tapestry manufactory for Charles I (r.1625-49) from Raphael's original preparatory cartoon. The tapestry is now in the Mobilier National, Paris (inv. no.GMTT 16/5). Published in Les Tapisseries décoratives du Garde-Meuble: choix des plus beaux motifs par Ed. Guichard, Paris [1878-81]. Not in Ruland (1876).

The direct source for the central scene is one of the ten tapestry designs commissioned from Raphael from Pope Leo X, illustrating episodes from the lives of St Peter and St Paul. In 1623 seven of the original cartoons were acquired by Charles I (when Prince of Wales), who wished to undertake a new weaving of them at Mortlake under Francis Clein's direction, who was also commissioned to design new borders and an additional subject, the Death of Sapphira.

The first set of tapestries woven at Mortlake was made for Charles himself. After having passed through French collections, six pieces survive now in the Mobilier National in Paris, including the one reproduced in this photogravure.

The seven surviving Raphael cartoons are currently in the Victoria and Albert Museum on loan from the Royal Collection; the ten original tapestries, intended to be hung in the Sistine Chapel, are housed in the Vatican Museums.
  • Creator(s)

    P Dujardin (active 1888) (photogravurist)

    After Raphael (1483-1520) (designer)

    Chardon Ainé : Paris (printer)

    Paris : J Baudry (publisher)


    Saint Paul
    Barnabas (1st century AD)
  • annotation: Pf. 32. / p. 257. Tapestries / VII. 1b [front, lower left, in pencil]

    annotation: Pf 32. VIII. 1 b. [back, lower left, in pencil]

  • 31.5 x 44.9 cm (sheet of paper)

  • Added to the Prince Consort's Raphael Collection (after 1876)

  • Subject(s)
    • Religion & Theology
      • Religions and faiths
        • Religions of antiquity
          • Sacrifices
    • Places
      • Europe
        • Italy
          • Lazio [Italy]
            • Rome [Lazio]
              • Vatican City [Rome]
                • Vatican Palace [Vatican City]
                  • Sistine Chapel [Vatican Palace]
                    • Vatican-Sistine Chapel tapestries
    Object type(s)
      • visual works
        • photogravures
  • Bibliographic reference(s)

    Raphael dans les collections françaises 1983 : Hommage a Raphael. Raphael dans les collections françaises: (Galeries nationales du Grand Palais, Paris, 15 novembre 1983-13 fevrier 1984), Paris pp.398-408, no.5 (entry by Jean Coural)

    Raphael. Cartoons and Tapestries 2010 : Raphael. Cartoons and Tapestries for the Sistine Chapel. Edited by M. Evans and C. Browne with A. Nesselrath, V&A Publishing 2010 pp.54-6 (essay by Clare Browne)

    Other number(s)

    Ruland p.251 B.VIII.11a(add)