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A group of figures from the antique


Etching | 24.5 x 32.2 cm (sheet of paper) | RCIN 854574

A reversed etching of a drawing by the school of Raphael depicting a group of figures from the antique now in the Louvre, Paris (inv. no. 3878 verso). See RCIN 854570 for a photograph of the drawing and RCIN 854569 for a photograph of the recto. This print is signed by the printmaker and lettered with the attribution of the drawing to Raphael and its location in the 'Cabinet du Roy'. This print was published in 'Cabinet du Roy', a set of etchings executed by the Comte de Caylus reproducing drawings from the French Royal collection. Trimmed within the platemark. On watermarked paper.

Cordellier and Py (see Bibliographic References) catalogued this drawing as a study by an artist in Raphael's studio (Giulio Romano?). They suggested that the motifs here depicted (perhaps Mercury leading to Hell a husband lamented by his wife) were borrowed from imperial Roman coins, while Ruland (1876) believed the source to be a bas-relief. See also RCINs 854571 and 854572 for photographs of drawings depicting similar compositions now in the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford.
  • Creator(s)

    Anne Claude Philippe, Comte de Caylus (1692-1765) (etcher)

    After a work by the workshop of Raphael (Urbino 1483-Rome 1520) (draughtsman)

    After? Giulio Romano (Rome c. 1499-Mantua 1546) (draughtsman)

  • watermark: A Maltese cross in a circle [verso, centre, similar to n. 942 (Cross) in Heawood, Watermarks, vol. I, 1969]

  • 24.5 x 32.2 cm (sheet of paper)

  • Added to the Prince Consort's Raphael Collection (c.1853-76)

  • Subject(s)
    • Religion & Theology
      • Religions and faiths
        • Religions of antiquity
          • Classical mythology
            • Mercury (mythology)
            • Cupid
        • Christianity
          • Last things. Eschatology (Christianity)
            • Hell. Eternal punishment. Eternal damnation. The damned
    • Arts, Recreation, Entertainment & Sport
      • Plastic arts
        • Numismatics
          • Coins
      • Music
        • Musical instruments
          • Woodwind instruments
            • Flutes
    • Science, Medicine and Technology
      • Agriculture and related techniques
        • Animal husbandry
          • Goats
    Object type(s)
      • visual works
        • prints
  • Bibliographic reference(s)

    Cordellier/Py 1992 : Raphael : son atelier, ses copistes, 1992 / par Dominique Cordellier et Bernadette Py, Paris (Inventaire general des dessins Italiens ; V / sous la direction de Francoise Viatte) p. 457, no. 789

    Other number(s)

    Ruland pp. 346-347 A.XII.6