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Holy Families & Madonna and Child

Holy Families & Madonna and Child

A study for a Virgin and Child


Albumen print | RCIN 850703

A photograph of a pen and ink drawing now in the Devonshire Collection, Chatsworth House (inv. no.722), currently attributed to Timoteo Viti and thought to be a copy after a lost drawing by Raphael, to whom it has formerly been ascribed. Ruland (1876) considered the drawing as a first thought by Raphael for his so-called ‘Madonna del Cardellino’ (c.1505), a painting (c.1506) now in the Uffizi, Florence (inv.1890, no.1447). A photograph of the painting can be found at RCIN 850698.

Showing the seated figure of the Virgin holding a book in her left hand and supporting the left elbow of the standing Child who looks up at her.
  • Acquired for the Prince Consort's Raphael Collection (c.1853-76)