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Memorial works

Following Albert’s premature death, Victoria commissioned the creation of photographs and decorative objects that memorialised her beloved husband


Aberdeen University

1883 after a c. 1865 original

Carbon print | 8.6 x 6.0 cm (image) | RCIN 2620039

Photograph of King's College Chapel on the University of Aberdeen campus. The view of the chapel's crown tower is partially obscured by a tree that stands on the left. Taken from the garden with a flower bed on the right of the foreground.

The Collegiate chapel on the University of Aberdeen campus was constructed in the 1500. The crown tower is a replacement after the original was damaged when it fell down in 1633. This photograph is a later carbon copy of the original albumen photograph. Carbon was a process that was less susceptible to fading, unlike an albumen print that is prone to discolouration over time. 
  • Creator(s)

    After George Washington Wilson (1823-93) (photographer)

    Jabez Hughes (1819-84) (photographer)


    University of Aberdeen-King's College
    University of Aberdeen [Aberdeen]
  • 8.6 x 6.0 cm (image)

    17.5 x 13.2 cm (whole object)

  • Acquired by Queen Victoria

  • Subject(s)
    • Places
      • Europe
        • Great Britain
          • Scotland
            • Aberdeenshire [Scotland]
              • Aberdeen [Aberdeenshire]
                • Aberdeen University
                  • King's College Chapel [Aberdeen]
    • Arts, Recreation, Entertainment & Sport
      • Architecture
        • Buildings for educational, scientific & cultural purposes
          • Universities
    • Science, Medicine and Technology
      • Agriculture and related techniques
        • Gardening
          • Gardens
    Object type(s)
      • visual works
        • photographs