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Landscape, Nature and Architecture

Technological improvements enabled Prince Albert to collect photographs of places that were significant to him


The Doune of Rothiemurcus, from Ordbane [sic]

c. 1860

Albumen print | 7.6 x 7.2 cm (image) | RCIN 2320167

Photograph of a view from Ord Bán Mountain in Aviemore, Scotland, with a forested hillside in the foreground that gives way to an area of open land on which stands a castle in the centre and with a drive leading up to it.  

Rothiemurchus forest, which forms part of the Rothiemurchus estate, is owned by the Grant Family. John Grant, the 17th Earl of Rothimurchus (b. 1946), now manages the estate.

  • Creator(s)

    George Washington Wilson (1823-93) (photographer)

  • 7.6 x 7.2 cm (image)

    17.2 x 13.0 cm (mount)

  • From an album of photographs collected and arranged by Albert, Prince Consort, between 1860 and 1861

  • Subject(s)
    • Geography
      • Physiography
        • Mountains
    • Places
      • Europe
        • Great Britain
          • Scotland
            • The Highlands [Scotland]
              • Inverness-shire
                • Rothiemurcus [Inverness-shire]
    Object type(s)
      • visual works
        • photographs