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Landscape, Nature and Architecture

Technological improvements enabled Prince Albert to collect photographs of places that were significant to him


Library and Private room at Balmoral Castle

c. 1864

Watercolour painting over photograph | 19.8 x 27.0 cm (image) | RCIN 916902

A watercolour of the library at Balmoral Castle. A table laid for a meal stands in the centre of the room. Black leather chairs and a sofa stand around the edge of the room. On the right there is a fireplace with a large overmantel mirror. An open door to the left leads into another room.

Five watercolours by James Roberts of the interior of the newly built Balmoral Castle and commissioned by Queen Victoria in September 1857 were given to Princess Victoria following her marriage to Prince Frederick William of Prussia. Hand-coloured photographic copies were made of the five for Queen Victoria in 1864 of which this may be one.

  • Creator(s)

    After James Roberts (c. 1800-67) (artist)

    William Corden the Younger (1819-1900) (artist)

  • annotation: Library & Private room at Balmoral Castle- Septr 1857. [beneath work]

  • 19.8 x 27.0 cm (image)

  • Acquired by Queen Victoria and Prince Albert

  • Subject(s)
    • Places
      • Europe
        • Great Britain
          • Scotland
            • Aberdeenshire [Scotland]
              • Balmoral Castle [Aberdeenshire]
    Object type(s)
      • visual works
        • drawings/watercolours