Correspondence relating to the planning and organisation of the Great Exhibition
30 Dec 1861. General Grey to Charles Wentworth Dilke
30 Dec 1861Loose typescript paper | 2 documents (6 pages) (whole object) | RC/H/1/17/39
Copy of a letter concerning the memorial to the Exhibition of 1851 and the incorporation of the statue of Prince Albert instead of that of Queen Victoria. Includes a copy of a letter to the Horticultural Society from Albert, Prince of Wales, requesting this change at Queen Victoria's behest. Mr Durham is required to submit his design to a committee of three sculptors incuding Baron Marochetti.
Originals: For original see VIC/MAIN/F/27/118 (Royal Archives).
Originals: For original see VIC/MAIN/F/27/118 (Royal Archives).
General Sir Charles Grey (1804-70) (writer)
Charles Wentworth Dilke (addressee)
2 documents (6 pages) (whole object)