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1851 Exhibition Correspondence

Commissioner’s correspondence relating to the Great Exhibition of 1851


28 - 29 Apr 1851. Herman Merivale to Stafford Northcote

28 - 29 Apr 1851

Loose manuscript papers | 3 documents (8 pages) (whole object) | RC/A/1851/238

(238) Herman Merivale, Colonial Office, to Stafford Northcote transmitting copies of a letter from three Canadian representatives and Lord Grey's reply. (238i) Copy of a letter to Herman Merviale from R.J. Routh, Peter McGill, J.H. Dunn, of the Canadian Embassy, acknowledging receipt of their letter regarding Canadian representation at the Great Exhibition. (238ii) Copy of a letter to Earl Grey from R.J. Routh, Peter McGill, J.H. Dunn, of the Canadian Embassy, informing him that they had been appointed as the representatives for Canada at the Great Exhibition.
  • Creator(s)

    Herman Merivale (writer)

    Sir Stafford Northcote (1818-87) (addressee)

    RJ Routh (writer)

    Peter McGill (writer)

    JH Dunn (writer)

    Herman Merivale (addressee)

    Earl Grey (addressee)

  • 3 documents (8 pages) (whole object)

  • Place of Production
    Downing Street [London]
  • Object type(s)
      • printed & manuscript material
        • documents
          • correspondence