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Prince Albert's Personal Papers

Papers relating to Prince Albert’s personal life and enthusiasms


Letter from Ludwig Gruner to Dr. Ernst Becker sending Raphael ?prints he has bought at auction in Dresden for the Prince Consort, together with the bill.

15 Dec 1858

Loose manuscript paper; mounted | 2 documents (6 pages) (whole object) | RA VIC/ADDA10/85/380-381

(380) Writing from Dresden, Gruner states that the auction is now over and he is preparing the items he bought for the Prince Consort for dispatch. He has bought a stout portfolio for them, as he does not approve of rolling up valuable works. In accordance with Becker's instructions he has bought all the items requested; in addition he bought photographs of St. Michael, Lo Sposalizio and the School of Athens.

The total cost amounts to £9.12.3d. He adds that he bought numbers 1319-20 ('Eliodoro' and 'Attila') because they are very good and worth more than their price; but there were [too] many takers for nos. 1321-2 (subjects unspecified). He has added two rather skilful counterfeit Raphael drawings to the above, and the list of the wedding festivities of the Prince Palatine of Saxony.

He thanks the Prince for his promise to contribute to the [?Bible]; some of the drawings on stone have already been completed. He ends by expressing the hope that the auction bill can be paid by 26 December. At the top of the letter, Becker has added a note saying he has asked Sir Charles Phipps to pay this bill and the £25 [for the biblical illustrations].

(381) Bill for items bought at the art auction in Dresden on 6 December 1858: Christ, St Mark (2 sheets), Mansuetudo, La Disputa, La Scuola d'Atena, Eliodoro and Attila.
  • Creator(s)

    Ludwig Grüner (1801-82) (writer)

    Dr Ernst Becker (1826-88) (addressee)

  • 2 documents (6 pages) (whole object)

  • Place of Production
    Dresden [Germany]
  • Object type(s)
      • printed & manuscript material
        • documents
          • correspondence