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Prince Albert's Personal Papers

Papers relating to Prince Albert’s personal life and enthusiasms


Letter from Dominic Colnaghi to Dr. Ernst Becker correcting a mistake in his earlier letter about Raphael drawings he has sold.

13 Nov 1858

Loose manuscript paper; mounted | 1 document (4 pages) (whole object) | RA VIC/ADDA10/85/38

Colnaghi writes that he sold the Raphael drawing 'Two male figures' to Edward Cheney of Shrifnal and not to Dr. Wellesley as stated in his earlier letter (see VIC/ADDA10/85/34). He has written to Cheney about it, and reports that Dr. Wellesley has said that any unengraved Raphael drawings he has are at the Prince Consort's disposal [for photography]. He encloses a letter (not present) from Mr Boulton about his Raphael drawings but has not yet heard from Mr Vaughan. He will try to find the English prints wanted for HRH's collection.

A note at the top of the letter records that Becker replied on 16 November.

Related Material: For related correspondence, see VIC/ADDA10/85/34.
  • Creator(s)

    Sir Dominic Colnaghi (1834-1908) (writer)

    Dr Ernst Becker (1826-88) (addressee)

  • 1 document (4 pages) (whole object)

  • Place of Production
    London [Greater London]
  • Object type(s)
      • printed & manuscript material
        • documents
          • correspondence