Vatican Frescoes
Various stucchi and painted decoration in the Loggia
c.1860-76Carbon print | RCIN 853723
Five photographs, catalogued by Ruland as by Adolphe Braun, after various stucchi and painted decoration from the Loggia, designed by Raphael and executed by his workshop (c.1517-19), in the Vatican.
The repeating sequence of decoration in the Loggia - see Dacos 2008 (Bibliographic References) for more information - is strongly influenced by the antique; Raphael had studied antique sculpture and painting in Rome.
The repeating sequence of decoration in the Loggia - see Dacos 2008 (Bibliographic References) for more information - is strongly influenced by the antique; Raphael had studied antique sculpture and painting in Rome.
Adolphe Braun (1812-77) (photographer)
After a work by the workshop of Raphael (1483-1520) (artist)
- Added to the Prince Consort's Raphael Collection (c.1860-76)
- Arts, Recreation, Entertainment & Sport
- Decorative motifs
Object type(s)
- visual works
- photographs
- Arts, Recreation, Entertainment & Sport
Bibliographic reference(s)
Davidson 1985 : Davidson, Bernice F. Raphael's Bible. A Study of the Vatican Logge, 1985 pp.27-38
Dacos 2008: Dacos, N., The Loggia of Raphael: A Vatican Art Treasure, 2008 pp.15-135
Other number(s)
Ruland p.230 B.113