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Vatican Frescoes

Vatican Frescoes


The pilasters of the Loggia and the frescoes of the Stanze

dated 1814

Etching with engraving | RCIN 853709

Two prints by Giacinto Maina and Bartolomeo Pinelli reproducing the decoration of the fourteen interior pilasters of the Loggia designed by Raphael and executed by his workshop (c.1517-19) in the Vatican, accompanied by outline reproductions of eight of the frescoes in the Stanze, also by Raphael.
  • Creator(s)

    Giacinto Maina (active 1802-14) (printmaker)

    Bartolomeo Pinelli (1781-1835) (printmaker)

    After a work by the workshop of Raphael (1483-1520) (artist)

    Scheri, Pier Luigi: Rome (print seller)

  • Added to the Prince Consort's Raphael Collection (c.1853-76)

  • Subject(s)
    • Arts, Recreation, Entertainment & Sport
      • Decorative motifs
        • Grotesques
    • Places
      • Europe
        • Italy
          • Lazio [Italy]
            • Rome [Lazio]
              • Vatican City [Rome]
                • Vatican Palace [Vatican City]
                  • Stanza della Segnatura [Vatican Palace]
                  • Stanza dell'Incendio [Vatican Palace]
                  • Stanza d'Eliodoro [Vatican Palace]
    Object type(s)
      • visual works
        • prints
  • Bibliographic reference(s)

    Raphael Invenit 1985 : G. Bernini Pezzini et al., Raphael Invenit. Stampe di Raffaello nelle Collezioni dell'Istituto Nazionale per la Grafica, Rome, 1985 p.105, XV, nos 1 and 2 (entry by Grazia Bernini Pezzini)

    Davidson 1985 : Davidson, Bernice F. Raphael's Bible. A Study of the Vatican Logge, 1985 pp.27-38

    Dacos 2008: Dacos, N., The Loggia of Raphael: A Vatican Art Treasure, 2008 pp.15-135

    Other number(s)

    Ruland p.230 B.38-39