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Vatican Frescoes

Vatican Frescoes

Study of a group of draped figures in a variety of poses


Carbon print | RCIN 852438

A photograph of a drawing formerly attributed to Raphael, catalogued by Ruland (1876) as being then in the Biblioteca Ambrosiana in Milan. The drawing, which bears the collector's mark of Conte di Bardi (Lugt 336), is currently untraced and apparently hitherto not discussed in literature.

The drawing bears close resemblance to a sheet currently in the Albertina, Vienna (inv. no.225), thought to be a modello (by Raphael?) for the lower left side of the Disputa (The Disputation of the Holy Sacrament) painted in the Stanza della Segnatura in the Vatican between 1508 and 1511. Other repetitions of the Albertina sheet survive in the Louvre, Paris (inv. no.3976), in the Royal Library at Turin (see RCIN 852441) and in the Uffizi (see RCIN 852442).
  • Acquired for the Prince Consort's Raphael Collection (c.1860-76)