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Vatican Frescoes

Vatican Frescoes

Study for the lower portion of the Disputa


Aquatint with roulette work | RCIN 852424

A facsimile of a drawing by Raphael (c.1508-09) currently in the Musée Condé, Chantilly (inv. no.53(45)). Lettered with production details along the lower margin. Stamped with the printmaker's stamp in the lower right corner, within image (Lugt 2791). Published in 'Collection de Dessins originaux de grands maîtres, gravés en fac-similé par Alphonse Leroy, avec texte explicatif par MM. F. Reiset et F. Villot', Paris 1857-59[?]. The drawing is a preliminary study for the lower portion of the Disputa (The Disputation of the Holy Sacrament), painted by Raphael in the Stanza della Segnatura in the Vatican between 1508 and 1511
  • Acquired for the Prince Consort's Raphael collection (c.1853-76)