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Vatican Frescoes

Vatican Frescoes

St John receiving the Revelation, with Pope Julius II in prayer


Carbon print | RCIN 852713

A photograph of a drawing now in the Musée du Louvre, Paris (inv. no.3866), generally described as recording a design originally conceived by Raphael for either the Jurisprudence Wall in the Stanza della Segnatura or for the fresco of the 'Mass at Bolsena' to be painted in the Stanza di Eliodoro. Whether this is the original design by Raphael or a copy after it (perhaps by Penni, as sometimes suggested) is ongoing matter of debate. The subject is generally interpreted as the opening of the Seventh Seal (Apocalypse VIII, 1-6), with St John the Evangelist recording the event in the Book of Apocalypse (lower right) and Pope Julius II kneeling down in prayer (lower left).

A photograph of this drawing is included in the 'New Testament Subject' section of the Raphael Collection; see RCIN 850482 for it.
  • Acquired for the Prince Consort's Raphael Collection (c.1860-76)