Vatican Frescoes
Set of twenty-two prints reproducing heads from the 'Parnassus'
c.1785-1835Engravings | RCIN 852469
Pietro Fontana (1762-1837) (engraver)
Pietro Ghigi (first half 19th century) (engraver)
After Raphael (1483-1520) (artist)
Luigi Agricola (c. 1750- c. 1821) (designer)
Franzetti, Agapito : Rome (publisher)
Horace (65-8 BC)Jacopo Sannazaro (1458-1530)Homer (active 850 BC?)SapphoVirgil (70-19 BC)Giovanni Boccaccio (1313-75)Francesco Petrarch (1304-74)Laura (Petrarch)Ovid (43 BC-17 AD)- Added to the Prince Consort's Raphael Collection (c.1853-76)
- People
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- Religion & Theology
- Religions and faiths
- Religions of antiquity
- Classical mythology
- Muses
- Apollo (myth)
- Classical mythology
- Religions of antiquity
- Religions and faiths
- Places
- Europe
- Mount Parnassus [Greece]
- Italy
- Lazio [Italy]
- Rome [Lazio]
- Vatican City [Rome]
- Vatican Palace [Vatican City]
- Stanza della Segnatura [Vatican Palace]
- Vatican-Stanza della Segnatura-Parnassus
- Stanza della Segnatura [Vatican Palace]
- Vatican Palace [Vatican City]
- Vatican City [Rome]
- Rome [Lazio]
- Lazio [Italy]
- Europe
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- Literature
- Poetry
- Literature
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- Physiography
Object type(s)
- visual works
- prints
- People
Bibliographic reference(s)
Tauriscus 1819 : Tauriscus, E, 1819. Catalogues des estampes gravees d'apres Rafael, Frankurt p.77, no.15
Raphael Invenit 1985 : G. Bernini Pezzini et al., Raphael Invenit. Stampe di Raffaello nelle Collezioni dell'Istituto Nazionale per la Grafica, Rome, 1985 pp.36-37, nos.12-18 (entries by Grazia Bernini Pezzini)
Other number(s)
Ruland p.186 C.I.35-54