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Vatican Frescoes

Vatican Frescoes

Elevations of two sections of the Logge on the first and second floors of the Vatican palace

published 1845

Etching with engraving | RCIN 853712

A print by Carlo Pontani depicting elevations of sections of the logge on the first and second floor of the Vatican palace. The Loggia on the second floor was designed by Raphael and executed by his workshop (c.1517-19). Lettered with titles and a scale below the image, and with the engraver's signature. Annotated on verso. Published as Plate 30 in Pontani, Opere architettoniche di Raffaello Sanzio incise e dichiarate dall' architetto C. Pontani, Rome 1845.

The repeating sequence of decoration in  the Logge - see Dacos 2008 (Bibliographic References) for more information - is strongly influenced by the antique; Raphael had studied antique sculpture and painting in Rome. 

  • Added to the Prince Consort's Raphael Collection (c.1853-76)