A group from a Crucifixion
c.1853-1876Albumen print | 27.0 x 18.4 cm (sheet of paper) | RCIN 854346
This drawing, partially oxidised, is related to the destroyed fresco of the Crucifixion executed by Perugino on the rear wall of the Porziuncola in Santa Maria degli Angeli, Assisi. This drawing has been interpreted as a copy after the group to the right of the central cross, and the standing figure on the left of this drawing as being St John (see Bibliographic References). Only a fragment of the left hand side of the fresco survives. See RCIN 850540 for a photograph of a drawing now in Genoa depicting a different detail after the same fresco.
This drawing was attributed by Padre Sebastiano Resta (its previous owner) to Raphael.
After a work copying Pietro Perugino (Città della Pieve c. 1450-Fontignano 1523) (draughtsman)
After a work previously attributed to Raphael (1483-1520) (draughtsman)
St John [apostle]annotation: left bottom [verso, bottom centre, in ink]
27.0 x 18.4 cm (sheet of paper)
- Acquired for the Prince Consort's Raphael Collection (c.1853-76)
- Religion & Theology
- Religions and faiths
- Christianity
- Life of Christ
- Passion of Christ
- Christ Crucifixion
- Passion of Christ
- Life of Christ
- Christianity
- Religions and faiths
- Places
- Europe
- Italy
- Umbria [Italy]
- Assisi [Italy]
- Umbria [Italy]
- Italy
- Europe
Object type(s)
- visual works
- photographs
- Religion & Theology
Bibliographic reference(s)
Scarpellini 1984 : Scarpellini, P, 1984. Perugino, Milan p. 81, no. 40
Other number(s)
Ruland p.322 B.I.1