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Mythology & Putti

Mythology & Putti


Neoptolemus taking Andromache into captivity after the fall of Troy


Etching | 29.1 x 37.8 cm (sheet of paper) | RCIN 851717

A facsimile etching of a drawing catalogued by Ruland (1876) as being then in the Academy at Düsseldorf. The lettering below image intrerprets the subject as The Abduction of Helen, and ascribes the drawing to Raphael. The drawing resembles closely a study attributed to Raphael currently in the Devonshire Collection, Chatsworth House (inv. no.903A; see RCIN 851716), which is now generally understood as a depiction of Neoptolemus taking Andromache into captivity after the fall of Troy. Numbered on plate al lower left: 1.
  • Creator(s)

    After a work copying Raphael (1483-1520) (artist)

  • 29.1 x 37.8 cm (sheet of paper)

    28.0 x 36.5 cm (image)

  • L'Enlevement d'Hélène par Rafael d'Urbin

  • Added to the Prince Consort's Raphael Collection (c.1853-76)

  • Subject(s)
    • Language, Linguistics and Literature
      • Literature
        • Fiction
          • Tales & legends
            • Myths
    Object type(s)
      • visual works
        • prints
  • Other number(s)

    Ruland p.130 C.XVI.2