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Holy Families & Madonna and Child

Holy Families & Madonna and Child

The Virgin and Child with the Infant Baptist


Albumen print | RCIN 850700

A photograph of a painting described by Ruland (1876) as being then in the collection of the Earl of Dudley and Ward, as also lettered on the sheet. Lettered with the title and production details. The painting is a copy of a painting by Raphael (c.1506) now in the Uffizi, Florence (inv.1890, no.1447). See RCIN 850698 for a photograph of Raphael's painting.

Showing the Virgin seated on a rock, holding an open book in her left hand and looking at the Infant Baptist who is holding out a goldfinch to the Christ Child standing between’s Mary’s legs.
  • Acquired for the Prince Consort's Raphael Collection (c.1853-76)