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Holy Families & Madonna and Child

Holy Families & Madonna and Child

The Virgin and Child Enthroned with Saints


Albumen print | RCIN 850669

A photograph of a painting catalogued by Ruland (1876) as being then in the collection of the Hon. Rev. Richard Boyle, Marston. The painting is a slightly varied copy of the central panel of the ‘Colonna Altarpiece’, painted by Raphael (c.1504-05) for the Nunnery of Sant’Antonio da Padua, Perugia and now in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York (inv. no.1630ab). See RCIN 850667 for a photograph of the Metropolitan painting.

Showing the Virgin and Child enthroned with the Infant Baptist, between Saints Paul and Catherine on the left, and Saint Peter and a haloed female martyr on the right.
  • Acquired for the Prince Consort's Raphael Collection (c.1853-76)