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Holy Families & Madonna and Child

Holy Families & Madonna and Child


The Virgin and Child Enthroned with Angels and Saints


Albumen print | 26.4 x 22.6 cm (sheet of paper) | RCIN 850837

A photograph of a drawing by Raphael (c.1507-08) now in the Devonshire Collection, Chatsworth House (inv. no.733). Ruland's suggestion that the drawing may be Raphael’s original preparatory study for his so-called ‘Madonna del Baldacchino’ (c.1507-08) in the Galleria Palatina, Palazzo Pitti, Florence (inv. no.1912, no.165; see RCIN 850829 for a photograph of it) is now generally accepted.

Showing the Virgin and Child seated on a throne surmounted by a canopy, the drapes of which are held back by two flying angels; flanked by Saints Peter and Bruno on the left, and Saints Augustine and James on the right, with two angels in front of the throne.

  • Creator(s)

    After Raphael (Urbino 1483-Rome 1520) (artist)

  • 26.4 x 22.6 cm (sheet of paper)

  • Acquired for the Prince Consort's Raphael Collection (c.1853-76)

  • Subject(s)
    • Religion & Theology
      • Religions and faiths
        • Christianity
          • Devotional Images of Christ
            • Virgin & Child
          • Angels, demons, devils, saints
            • Angels
    • Arts, Recreation, Entertainment & Sport
      • Architecture
        • Ecclesiastical & religious architecture
          • Christian church architecture
            • Baldacchinos
  • Bibliographic reference(s)

    p. 176, no. 176 (Joannides 1983 : Joannides, P., 1983. The Drawings of Raphael, with a complete catalogue, Oxford)

    pp. 276-281, no. 40 (Capellen 2001 : Capellen, JM, 2001. Raphael : the paintings. Volume 1, The Beginning in Umbria and Florence ca.1500-1508 )