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Record of historical events

Victoria and Albert collected photographs that documented the political and military events that defined a period of global expansion

JABEZ HUGHES (1819-84)

Sir George Cathcart (1794-1854)

1883 copy after 1855 original

Carbon print | 17.9 x 15.0 cm (image) | RCIN 2500010

Photograph of a bust-length drawing of Sir George Cathcart, looking to the left and wearing civilian dress. The drawing is surrounded by an oval border. This photograph, printed by Jabez Hughes in 1883, is a carbon print pasted over the original photograph.

Sir George Cathcart served in the Battle of Waterloo and in the Crimean War, where he was killed at the Battle of Inkerman.
  • Creator(s)

    Jabez Hughes (1819-84) (printer)


    Sir George Cathcart (1794-1854)
  • 17.9 x 15.0 cm (image)

    29.6 x 23.1 cm (page dimensions)

  • Major-General the Hon Sir George Cathcart, K.C.B., Commander of the 4th Division [in Crimean Officers' Portraits, 1854 - 1856]

  • Acquired by Queen Victoria

  • Subject(s)
    • Social sciences
      • Military affairs
        • Wars, Campaigns & Battles
          • Wars
            • Wars of the nineteenth century
              • Crimean War (1853-1856)
    • Arts, Recreation, Entertainment & Sport
      • Art
        • Drawings
    Object type(s)
      • visual works
        • photographs