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Record of historical events

Victoria and Albert collected photographs that documented the political and military events that defined a period of global expansion

ROGER FENTON (1819-69)

Captain Gerald Littlehales Goodlake (1832-1890)


Albumen print | 18.8 x 15.9 cm (image) | RCIN 2500285

Photograph of Captain Goodlake seated in front of a wooden wall partly covered by a cloth hanging. He is wearing a coat and holds a cap in his left hand. There is a wicker basket to either side of him. Captain Goodlake served during the Crimean War with the Coldstream Guards and was awarded the Victoria Cross for his actions at the Battle of Inkerman.
  • Creator(s)

    View person page

    Roger Fenton (1819-69) (photographer)

  • 18.8 x 15.9 cm (image)

    57.3 x 44.6 cm (page dimensions)

  • Capt Goodlake Gds

  • Subject(s)
    • Science, Medicine and Technology
      • Industries, Crafts and Trades
        • Clothing
          • Costume
            • Uniforms
              • Military uniforms
    • Social sciences
      • Military affairs
        • Wars, Campaigns & Battles
          • Wars
            • Wars of the nineteenth century
              • Crimean War (1853-1856)