Home/Collections/Photographs.../Portraiture/European.../Photographs..../Belgian.../PortraiturePrince Albert was an early adopter of portrait photographyFamily portraitsRoyal ChildrenRoyal Household portraitsPhotographic portraits Vols. I - IIIEuropean portraitsPortraits of notable peopleBackEuropean portraitsRoyal Portraits, Volume 47Royal Portraits, Volume 48English Portraits. Volume 68English Portraits. Volume 2/69Austrian Portraits. Volume 72Belgian Portraits. Volume 72Coburg Portraits. Volume 74Photographs. French Portraits. Volume 75.Photographs. Royal Portraits, Volume 49Spanish, Portugese Portraits, vol.78BackBelgian Portraits. Volume 72Belgian portrait RCIN 2913926Photograph of a portrait from an album of Belgian portraits compiled by Prince AlbertPreviousNextPreviousNext