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Exhibitions and records of works of art

Prince Albert recognised the importance of photography to record and document notable exhibitions and works of art


'The Three Graces'


Albumen print | 14.8 x 14.7 cm (image) | RCIN 2081376

Photograph of a painting of 'The Three Graces' by Raphael (1483-1520). The central female poses with her back facing the viewer. Each female holds a spherical object.

At the time of the photograph, the painting was in the collection of William Ward, 1st Earl of Dudley (1817-85). The painting is now held by the  Musée Condé, France.

  • Creator(s)

    Caldesi & Montecchi (active 1857-67) (photographer)

  • 14.8 x 14.7 cm (image)

    54.5 x 35.3 cm (page dimensions)

  • Presented to Prince Albert

  • Subject(s)
    • Arts, Recreation, Entertainment & Sport
      • Art
        • Paintings
          • Paintings-Italian school
    Object type(s)
      • visual works
        • albums
          • photograph albums