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Exhibitions and records of works of art

Prince Albert recognised the importance of photography to record and document notable exhibitions and works of art


'The daughter of El Greco'; Lady in Fur Wrap


Albumen print | 18.2 x 14.1 cm (image) | RCIN 2081368

Photograph of a painting of a half length portrait of a woman, facing a quarter to the left and looking towards the viewer. She wears a head covering, fur wrap and multiple rings. 

At the time of the photograph, the painting was in the collection of Sir William Stirling-Maxwell (1818-78) and was attributed to El Greco (1541-1614). The painting was believed to be a portrait of El Greco's daughter. The identity of the painter and the sitter continues to be debated. The painting is still attributed to El Greco, but the sitter's identity is now unknown. The painting is now titled 'Lady in Fur Wrap' and is held at Pollok House, Glasgow.

  • Creator(s)

    Caldesi & Montecchi (active 1857-67) (photographer)

    After a work attributed to El Greco (1541-1614) (artist)

  • 18.2 x 14.1 cm (image)

    54.5 x 35.3 cm (page dimensions)

  • Presented to Prince Albert

  • Subject(s)
    • Arts, Recreation, Entertainment & Sport
      • Art
        • Paintings
    • Science, Medicine and Technology
      • Industries, Crafts and Trades
        • Clothing
          • Fur (clothing)
    Object type(s)
      • visual works
        • albums
          • photograph albums